Standard Template Library

美 [ˈstændərd ˈtemplət ˈlaɪbreri]英 [ˈstændəd ˈtempleɪt ˈlaɪbrəri]
  • 网络标准模板库;标准模板库的;标准模版库;标准模板类库
Standard Template LibraryStandard Template Library
  1. The Standard Template Library ( STL ) defines pair in the header utility .


  2. The C + + Standard Template Library ( STL ) was one of the great innovations in library design .


  3. Extraction of Digital Drainage Network Characteristics Base on Standard Template Library


  4. Algorithm Complexity of Container in Standard Template Library


  5. The standard template library provides various algorithms and data structures , which are utilized to program high quality code with good readability .


  6. Combined generic programming , object oriented programming and design pattern theories , C + + brings standard template library ( STL ) .


  7. JSP ™ Standard Template Library ( JSTL ) provides additional common functionality for JSPs such as iterations , formatting , and internationalization .


  8. This paper introduces the basic concepts of Standard Template Library ( STL ) of C + + as well as STL programming with containers , iterators and algorithms .


  9. This approach is similar to what is done in the C + + standard template library ( and that should give us reason to worry that it 's not a good approach ) .


  10. Instead of the ANSI C-based application program interface ( API ), a C + + developer would probably use strings from the Standard Template Library ( STL ) .


  11. The toolkit declines the use of Standard Template Library ( STL ) classes so as not to limit wxWidgets to platforms on which STL is available .


  12. In the process of the implementation , we use the STL , Standard Template Library , of C + + , and some data structures , such like vector , set and quick sort algorithm .


  13. In C + + , the Standard Template Library includes an implementation of linked lists , but for the techniques I 'm going to show here , the Standard Template Library implementation is not adequate .


  14. The recommended Standard Template Library ( STL ) has only a few basic classes like hash , stack , and vector , so it can 't effectively be used to replace legacy utility libraries .


  15. The Standard Template Library , or STL , is a C + + library of container classes , algorithms , and iterators ; it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer science .


  16. The paper utilizes C + + standard template library to implement road network data organization based on A algorithm . It mainly discusses from topological structure , spatial index , A algorithm data structure , hierarchical and meshes storing .


  17. The system was analyzed and designed with object oriented analysis and design method . The language using in this system is C + + with the support of STL ( Standard Template Library ) and is compiled in VC + + .


  18. The leftright and topbottom are STL ( Standard Template Library ) - like half-open ranges for column ( s ) and row ( s ) respectably .


  19. Then combining with actual data and the knowledge of graph theory , we give an efficient organization of using C + + STL ( Standard Template Library ) . We analysis of two classic path algorithm ( Dijkstra and A ) .


  20. And then made a brief introduce to this system according to each module : Use the weighting oriented graph as the data structure of the teaching order design area , and realize the function of teaching order design area using the vector of standard template library as the stack ;
